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Chavanna King
LITTLETON, CO 80123-4573
United States
Tel: 303-973-8003
Fax: 303-973-8003
Welcome to Your World of LOVE, Joy, Abundance and Wealth
Dr. Chavanna King offers extraordinary processes that can help you become the full expression of "The Prize Within".
Dedicated to this end she offers:
Giving you accurate, expanded insight into Your area of concern.
As a physician and a metaphysician, her specialty goes beyond that of the Medical Intuitive
A dynamic speaker, Dr. King addresses the collective reality that contributes to your lifestyle successes and your physical and spiritual well-being
Doctor Chavanna King's contribution to the book, Speaking of Success is an ongoing example of how she lives her own mission with passion and action. She joins other world class speakers who share their success secrets. In a very personal way, Dr.Chavanna tells of her unique experiences during world travels that forge a focused and exciting sense of personal power from within, while connecting through good communication and compassion.
However, wherever and whenever Dr. Chavanna contributes you can count on the following to be woven into the tapestry of her work...of her life:
--Raising Awareness & Mindfulness
--Power of knowing The Conscious Versus The Unconscious Mind
--Tapping The Intuitive Within
--Authentic Communication for Cross Cultural Healing
--Being in Service to Something Bigger than Yourself
-- Worldwide to Celebrate our Sameness & Embrace & Allow for Differences
--Have Compassion
--Live Lively Everyday--
Dr. Chavanna Serves as:
Sr. V.P. of The LINC Organization; lincorg.com
Board of the World Wellness Women's Congress; wwwcon.org
V.P. of United World for International Protection of Children's Rights; uwicr.org